Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

More of Special With Mr. Stathis!




Some Special Photos to Share with Students



When my Father, WWII Veteran - European Theater, Purple Heart recipient, POW, was buried in 2014 at the age of 91, 7 old men came out from God knows where and stood at attention in the hot sun to honor him with a 21 Gun Salute. I'll never forget that, and never forget my Father, and what he did on the front lines of battle. He's the guy on the left in second photo below (with glasses)....Veteran's Day: We honor those who pledged in uniform, with their lives on the line, to always be ready, to protect our Liberty.


At the Cemetary before Burial


D.C. Stathis Army Photo


Presidential Honor of D.C. Stathis